Saturday, February 1, 2014

Rechoosing Yourself

I believe that we are our own Universe; we are the masters of all we see, feel, and smell. As light, sentient beings, we must embrace our powers in order to fully achieve happiness and complete unity of the soul and mind.
By choosing to stay on a path of fear, anger, and depression, you become scared, depressed and angry; your choices, conscious and unconscious, greatly affect your outlook and your perception.
By choosing to be accepting, positive, and warm you will soon notice yourself embodying these ideals.This switch in paradigm is very difficult, because for many people they've been stuck in the same mindset for too long, so the change may seem impossible.
But once you've broken free from your negative shackles, one may begin to dance in the light of happiness
"We do not have the ability to imagine ourselves as something we cannot become"

Rechoose Yourself

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