Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Video Assignment

Stannard Gymnasium, Lyndon State College, Lyndonville, VT- Today I learned some tips and tricks from my friend David, as well as some of the members of the men’s basketball, The Hornets. I learned proper stance, hand placement, all the sweet moves.

It was a lot of fun working with David, Jojo and Josh because they put up with me so well. I’m terrible at most sports, and basketball is no exception. The guys were very patient, and their pointers made sense. That’s one thing that I like about sports; the logistics of it. If you keep your elbow in an L and use your non-dominant hand to guide the ball, you get more power, more lift, and more control to your throw. It’s like watching a tennis ball hit a wall, and using math/logic to figure out where it’ll land; with the right trajectory and amount of force combined with a keen eye, you can properly make a basket.

There’s certain rituals each person has; Jojo bounces the ball twice, David spins it and brings it around his back, I do a little jig and then kick my heels up. Whatever works; as long as you can properly assess how far you need to throw, and how hard you’ll have to throw.  Really the game all boils down to trajectory, force, and complete self-confidence. Like David said, you have to step up to the line knowing you’ll make it, because it doesn’t matter if you miss, you can always shoot again.

Plus, just having some sort of physical activity in your day to day life is extremely healthy and could even help prevent certain illnesses in the future. Having hobbies at this age is healthy for our personal health, as well as the heath of our relationships; you’ll never meet anybody new if you never do anything new. Even though I felt uncomfortable because I wasn’t at their skill level, the lessons they taught me were simply, yet very easy to remember.

Finally, the last thing that I learned, or re-learned rather, is that perfection is earned, not just rewarded. I wasn’t automatically good because I wanted to me, and the guy were’t automatically super good either; we have to work towards our dreams and goals, and put our time and effort into things we’re passionate about. I had fun, and I made new friends, while trying something new.


Monday, April 14, 2014

Video Discription

The purpose of this video is to show me (Aiden) how to accurately and consistently make free throws. It will also give the guys some time to show off and do some tricks, and give me more pointers.

David-Today w’re in the Stannard Gym, I got a few of my teammates here, and we’re gonna show you some free throws and (routines)

(David introduces friends, being shotting, showing correct form, et ct.)

Jojo- How do you wanna shoot? Underhand or overhand?

Aiden- I wanna shoot overhand, like you guys do; Teach me so I’ll know what I’m doing

Jojo- Which is your dominant hand?
A-Umm. I guess my right…
Jojo-Okay, then put your left hand on the side of the ball to guide it, then place your right hand on top. Spread your fingertips, the throw should be all fingertips
A- So keep my elbows in, fingertips do all the work, feet spread, knees bent?
Jojo- Yeah, however feels more fluid…comfortable

(I shoot a bunch, finally get it)

Josh-Okay, so when I shoot, I walk up to the line, bounce the ball twice with his right, then shoots. (Keeps

D-When stepping up to the free-throw line, you always need to put in the most amount of effort; you can never think about missing, no one is perfect, so even if you miss, keep trying.
-I bounce the ball twice, spin it in my hands, then bring it around my back, then shoot

(David shoots)

D- Perfect way, square your back, plant your legs, keep your elbow in an L shape, ball resting on your palm, then squat, and shoot (extending your arm)

A- okay, so like this 
(insert bloopers, failed attempts, David & Friends Laughing)
(Finally makes the shot)

D- Okay Aiden, in order to free throw correctly you need to plant your feet shoulder width apart, knees bent, and loose; remember its all in the wrist

D-For free throws, always remember; elbow, legs, and follow through on your shot. Do that, and you’re good to go.

Persons Included; Josh Bosworth (Interviewed), David Johnson, Aiden Pichette, Trayvon Shirley, Jojo Woodruff (Free Throw Teacher)