Thursday, January 30, 2014


I'm starting this blog in hopes that my words and actions will resonate with all other beings, so that you all may learn from me and I from you. This blog will act as both a personal catalyst for my own improvement and inspiration, as well as it being part of my MultiMedia Storytelling class.

"The hardest part of learning is accepting what you've done wrong. The path to truth is thick with weeds, razor sharp vines and thorns. But in order to truly know ones self, you must follow the path to truth, because you will emerge beautiful and strong and truly yourself. Pain is a lesson, every day is a lesson and a new chance to be who we all know we are. I believe in myself, and I believe in all of you. Were all human, we all make mistakes, and we all grow from them. Stay strong brothers and sisters, Goddess loves you"-Goddess

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